Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Youtube - while I can

So it really is way too late, but whilst I can get access to youtube, thought I'd paste a video. Whilst I've found everything else pretty self explanatory, I had a bit of trouble with this one, till I went to the blogger help pages and found the instructions there. Simple - all you have to do is change to html layout and paste the code in - I was originally trying to embed it as a page element - no success that way.....

I found this video on youtube a while ago and thought it was so bad that it was really funny! The 80's have a lot to answer for!

So here goes....

And woo hoo! I've got success!


Bambino Velostra said...

That was cringingly bad - it had me in stitches!!! Thanks for posting it!

micmadmas said...

It was wasn't it! Glad you enjoyed it :0)