Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm so excited isn't just a name for a song....

Oh, I am so getting into this now and I really have to go home... because I actually do have a life outside the library. Wish I'd come up with a more inventive name for my blog.

Today was a classic example of starting on one thing and it leading to another. I started with having more of a look at Flickr, as per the lessons for Week 2. Amazed to find it still isn't blocked by work! Liked the Mosman Library photos, great to have them up there. Our library also has some, but they've been put up by a staff member and aren't at this stage reflecting the whole of what we are doing and what we want to broadcast to the world. Also found some photos that I'm guessing are put up by an ex staff member - and there's some very strange ones there - our stacks, falling books, and put room, as well as some of the more predictable ones.

But then I looked at Flickr groups, ended up sidetracking to the Librarian inInBlack Blog. This is an amazingly awesome useful blog LibrarianInBlack and again, one thing lead to another and now I'll have to do more searching to find out about widgets and the like. This month she (being Sarah Houghton-Jan, the Digital Futures Manager for the San José Public Library) has really interesting posts on managing your social network presence (using Profilefly), Tips on using RSS Feeds - and that's not even skimming the surface. I also came across another great blog, but in the middle of all my enthusiasm, I can't find it at the moment - but I'll let you know what it is when I do.....

Know I'll be drawn back over the weekend to learning more though (and accessing the sites I can't get to at work).

So much to do, so much to learn, but now it's time for a weekend.....

Dinner, and of course good wine, with friends awaits.

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